What's New
Thank you to Ryleigh Ferguson! Her NEHS service project for the Coosa Elementary chapter directly supported some of our BHS students.
Congratulations to our October Student of the Month, Bravia Paul!
Congratulations to these athletes for qualifying for Swim State Championship!
Homecoming festivities October 14-19. Check out the details in the post.
September Student of the Month - Austin McGuire
Congratulations to our 2025 National Merit Semi-Finalist, Austin McGuire!
24-25 BHS Cheer Camp
Please participate in the Med Tech 7 evaluation survey.
Congratulations to our May Student of the Month, Marcia Little!
Join us Wednesday, May 22nd for our EOC Review Night.
Please review our inclement weather plans for our June 4th graduation ceremony.
Congratulations to the Top 10 Seniors from the Class of 24! Go Eagles!
Congratulations to Kevin Doctor for being named our April Student of the Month!
Students interested in a leadership position with the 24-25 BHS Student Council should please review the requirements and submit an application.
Today, more than 400 students were recognized at our Academic Letter Ceremony. Congratulations to all our honorees! Follow the link for the full story.
Congratulations to Garrett Seckinger, Nathan Tran, and Zach Glover of Hyper Resolution! Follow the link for the full story of their outstanding success and efforts to bring home their 3rd State Championship!
Congratulations to our National Merit Finalists! William Keyserling, James Willis, Alexander Thomas, and Nathan Tran have all advanced in the scholarship competition program. Go Eagles!
Plan to join us on Tuesday, February 13th at 6pm in the small auditorium for the Dual Enrollment & TCL Career Program Night.
Congratulations to our January Student of the Month, Nathan Tran!
Congratulations to our December Student of the Month! Muriel Gerold was selected for the compassion she shows for others.
Follow the post link and access the QR code to purchase a senior recognition ad for the 23-24 yearbook.
Students may use the QR Code to sign up for Seat Time Super Saturday by no later than Wednesday, December 6th.
Congratulations to Finnegan Eby for being named our November Student of the Month!
Join us for our Fall Dance Concert on Thursday, December 7th at 7pm in the BHS Performing Arts Center.
Please review our 2023 Final Exam Schedule.
Follow the QR code to purchase your Spring Semester Season Passes. Check out the full article for details.
Thank you to our AFJROTC for an inspirational Veterans Day program and thank you to our veterans for your service! Follow the link for the full story.
Follow the link to access ticket information and directions to the 2nd round of playoffs for our Eagles at Crestwood HS on Friday, November 10th.
Congratulations to Jaswann Delaney for being named our October Student of the Month!
Our Youth in Government finished 2nd in the state at their annual conference, earning the highest rank for any BCSD school in conference history. Follow the link for the full story. Go Eagles!
Congratulations to Aaron Tuberville, Lia Binkley, and Liam Martin! Their design "The Bubble Bike" was selected as a finalist in the Michelin Jr Design Challenge.
Congratulations to Damien Veliz, our September Student of the Month!
BHS Varsity Football takes on the Loris Lions this week in the 1st round of playoffs. Links to purchase tickets and directions to the game are available in this post.
Our Senior Eagles enjoyed College Application Day! Thank you to everyone involved for supporting our students!
Individuals interested in information related to attending GSU are invited to attend GSU Information Nights - October 24 at Lucy Beckham HS and October 25 at Battery Creek HS.
Please review our stadium policy reminders.
Eagle Swim Teams earn 18th & 19th overall at State Competition. Congratulations & Go Eagles.
Congratulations to our Lady Golfers! They will participate in the State Championship on October 23-24. Go Eagles!
Underclassmen photos are scheduled for Friday, October 13th. The last opportunity for Senior photos is Friday, October 27th.
Please review the uniform policy information.
Please review for game day information.
Congratulations to our Girls Swim Team for earning the Region 8AAA Title! Go Eagles!
BHS has been named to the College Board AP School Honor Roll.
Come out for a fun evening of "Chili & Bingo" and support our AFJROTC and Sea Island Sound. Go Eagles!
Congratulations to Noah Henry, a National Merit Commended Student! Go Eagles!
It's almost time for our 2023 Homecoming Festivities! Check here for all the information related to our Homecoming activities. Go Eagles!
BHS proudly congratulates our four National Merit Semi-Finalists! Congratulations to Nathan Tran, William Keyserling, James Willis, and Alexander Thomas!
Students Pre-K through 8th grade are invited to register for our annual Cheer Camp. Forms and payment are due by Tuesday, September 26th. Download the form from the What's New post and sign up today.
Attention Seniors: Senior portraits will be held in the small auditorium on September 29th. Appointments preferred, but walk-ins are also welcome.
Congratulations to Makayla Perry! She was selected as the BHS August Student of the Month.
Please plan to join us for Open House from 5-7pm on Tuesday, September 12th.
BHS Eagles participated in Boys and Girls State this summer. Boys State participants were Guerin Willis, Will Keyserling, Tucker Mikel, and Creed Smith. Girls State participants were Tori Ashmore, Makayla Perry, Anisha Patel, and Reese Myers. Congratulations to these outstanding young men and women and to all of the 2023 participants!
Please review our testing information for this semester.
Please review the regular bell schedule and welcome back!
Please review our 23-24 BHS Uniform Policy.
Teachers new to BHS toured our school community today.
BHS parents and students may sign up to volunteer for our Back to School Events.
We hope to see you soon at our Back to School Events!
Meet BHS Principal, Mr. Ryan Walsh on Monday, July 24th from 6-7pm in the BHS Performing Arts Center.
BHS Summer School Bus Routes
Livestream BHS Graduation Ceremony
Seniors check your diploma package after graduation for a $5 dormco gift card and check out dormco.com for your dorm room needs.
Baccalaureate Services for the BHS Class of 2023 will be held this weekend at the Sea Island Presbyterian Church.
Please review the posted final exam schedule for information on AP, EOC, Senior, and Underclassmen exams.
Seat Time options are available. Students check with your classroom teachers and sign up today if needed.
Order your 22-23 BHS Yearbook today!
Purchase your tickets to the Baseball 3A Lower State Playoffs. Come see BHS vs Dreher at BHS on May 13th.
Purchase your tickets here to see our BHS Boys Soccer take on Daniel High School for the 3A State Championship.
Find all the information related to our Senior Countdown Festivities and Ceremonies. Congratulations to the BHS Class of 2023!
Congratulations to our Teacher of the Year nominees, Sharmain Brown, Heather Doray, and Megan Stevenson. Also Congratulations to Rookie of the Year, Adnan Hakimji and Staff of the Year, Lana Simmons. Go Eagles!
BHS AFJROTC has been awarded a 2023 NRA Foundation State Fund Grant to enhance and grow their Marksmanship Program. Congratulations!
Celebrating Military Appreciation Week - April 17-21
Join us for an AP Night at BHS to explore our AP offerings and opportunities.
Check here for details on our informational meeting for our 23-24 BHS Cheerleader opportunities.
Attention Seniors & Senior Families: Please review all the senior class details listed within this post. You'll find everything you need to know to successfully navigate the rest of your senior year. Details relating to the class picture, prom, exams, senior week, graduation practice, and the graduation ceremony can all be found here. Best wishes as you work through your final weeks as a high school student. Go Eagles!
Congratulations to the members of HyperResoulution! Our robotics team members Zach Glover, Garrett Seckinger, and Nathan Tran won the Design Award in State competition and have now qualified for World Championship competition. Go Eagles!
Fourteen BHS student artworks were entered in the 2nd Annual Beaufort County High School regional Art competition. Jennelle Beasley and Estrella Frazier earned 1st and 2nd place. Congratulations!
Juniors interested in applying for Palmetto State should see Ms. Webb. Applications are due March 6th.
Come out and join us from 6-8pm on Thursday, 3/2/23.
2023 National Merit Finalists Announced
Check out two important events hosted by our Guidance Department. We hope you'll be able to join us.
3rd Round Playoff Boys Basketball - All the game details can be found here. Go Eagles!
Congratulations, Eagles! Our Varsity Boys Basketball Team advances to AAA Lower State Semi-Finals!
Check here for all the information for our upcoming Junior/Senior Prom.
Check out the information regarding our upcoming school day administrations of the SAT and ACT.
Find all the information for the basketball games scheduled for tonight at Hanahan HS. Links for tickets and parking information included.
Check out our freshman spirit wear fundraiser.
Please support our Junior class fundraiser and order a Moe's Meal Kit. Pick up is Feb. 8th from 5-6 at the Boundry Street location.
Boater & Hunter safety courses available at BHS this spring. Sign up today to reserve your spot.
Access the link in the post to complete the Hunter & Boater Education Interest Survey.
Congratulations to Theeb Bayyoud, NROTC Scholarship Recipient!
2022-2023 Lifetime Impact Award Recipients
Check out our Fine Arts News Blast and make plans to join us for a December performance!
Congratulations to Kara Luke and Michael Roark! They are both recipients of the Fall 2022 Innovations Grant.
Congratulations to our faculty and staff recipients of employee of the month and first quarter.
Congratulations to our Eagle Robotics Team!
Parent Representative elections for the BHS School Improvement Council are open here through 11/13/22. Use the link to select three candidates to serve on our SIC.
A Message from Coach Lyles - please read this important information about the 2nd Round AAA Playoff Football Game
Crestwood HS at Beaufort HS | Friday, November 11, 2022
Kickoff at 7:30 pm | Gates Open at 6:00 pm
Download the Stadium Rules and Tickets & Parking Information
Please review our upcoming exam schedule.
Mrs. Carla Shelton, Principal of Beaufort High School announced today that both Benjamin Christian and Samuel Trask have been named Commended Students in the 2023 National Merit Scholarship Program
Testing Updates - PSAT Make-Up, School Day SAT, and more.
Thank you to our incredible parents for the breakfast treats.
Homecoming is Friday, September 30th. Get ready for a week of spirit filled fun. Check the post for all the details!
Senior Night - Small Auditorium
To discuss graduation, cap & gowns, IGP's & more.
Date: 9/21/2022
Time: 6:00 to 7:30
The event is for all students and their parents. Come out and meet your teachers, walk your schedule, and find out ways you can prepare for the 2022-23 school year.
Thursday, August 11 from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
BHS 9th grade students - Eagle Camp - is for you!
August 6 - 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Register today: https://bit.ly/3b2bge1
Returning students grades 10 - 12, this event is for you!
Wednesday, August 3, 2022 & Thursday, August 4, from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., in the gymnasium.
Our school is a place alive with much energy, enthusiasm, and a high standard of excellence! Instructionally speaking, our primary goal is to consistently provide students with engaging, meaningful, and rigorous work in every classroom.
Mrs. Carla Shelton, Principal
Students, parents, and community members are invited to meet Principal Carla Shelton during next week's New Principal
Meet and Greet.
260 Cadets from 18 different high schools attended the week-long Cadet Leadership Course.
Email bhsjrotc@beaufort.k12.sc.us to learn more.
Great information about the conclusion of the year!