Beaufort High School New Student Enrollment
Compile the require documents needed for enrollment:
□ Student’s birth certificate
□ Student’s immunization records on SC DHEC form
□ 2 Proof of residency documents (see next page for information) in parent/guardian’s name
□ Copy of parent/guardian photo ID or passport
□ If applicable: custody and/or legal guardianship paperwork signed by a judge or DSS official
Step 2: Email the below information to initiate enrollment to: Linda.Mobley@beaufort.k12.sc.us :
□ Photo or PDF of ALL required documents (from Step 1)
□ Student’s legal name (as it appears on birth certificate)
□ Student’s date of birth
□ Registering parent/guardian name, phone, and email information
□ Home address
□ Prior school name, address, and any contact information
□ Current Grade Level
□ Please let us know if your child has a current: 504, IEP, or ESOL/ELL plan
Step 3: After ALL initial paperwork is received the BHS Data Specialist will provide by email a unique 16- digit code to complete the PowerSchool Online Registration.
□ The online registration should be completed within 5 days of receiving the email.
□ If you cannot locate the online registration email check your Spam folder
□ With questions about the PowerSchool Online system, or to reset your username/password email the school Data Specialist at Christina.Haynes@beaufort.k12.sc.us
Step 4: Counselors schedule enrollment meetings in order of receipt of completed enrollment paperwork and the PowerSchool Online Registration. The prior school’s official transcripts will be evaluated at that time to determine class placement. Enrollment meetings include a school counselor, parent, and student. Classes are selected using parent recommendation, academic history, and test scores (if available). Scheduling core classes at the appropriate rigor level (Honors, AP) is the priority and elective choices are based on availability.
Beaufort County School District Proof of Residency
Beaufort County School District (BCSD) requires proof of residency of all students every school year. Proof of residency must be provided for a student’s enrollment to be complete. The intent of this process is to verify that students attend the school based on where they reside. You must provide documentation showing that you live at the address in accordance with Federal, State, and District guidelines. If your address changes, you must notify the school within 30 calendar days. You must provide proof of residency documentation for both sections 1 and 2. Section 1 - You must provide one (1) of the following documents. The document must show and match the parent/guardian and address listed above. Real Estate Tax Bill - Must be the most recent bill. Signed Lease - Dated within 1 year of the first day of attendance. Military Housing Letter Section 8 Letter
Section 2 - You must provide one (1) of the following documents. The document must show and match the parent/guardian and address listed above. Utility Bill - Gas, Electric, Water/Sewer (Within last 60 days) Phone Bill (Landline only) - Within last 60 days (Cell phone bills will not be accepted) Cable Bill - Within last 60 days Current Car Insurance Declaration page - Must be an active policy Current Home or Renters Insurance Declaration page - Must be an active policy Vehicle Registration - Must be for current period You should black out account and social security numbers on the documents. All documents must be current and show the name and address of the parent(s)/ guardian(s). Envelopes will not be accepted.